Thursday, July 18, 2013

They have put in the footings!

This first picture is a chunk of earth that was not removed from the basement. It appears to be under the garage so there must not be a room under there. 

Here is a good shot of the footings. You can get a feel for the shape of the basement etc. The next step is pouring the foundation.....exciting!
I only wish that huge mound of excavated dirt wasn't behind the footings to I could see how big our backyard will be. Fingers crossed it is not tiny!

Friday, July 12, 2013

They've Broken Ground!

After a long wait, we have finally broken ground on our new house. YAY!
Bodie loved going to watch the excavators dig out our basement. We had some back and forth with the builder and they agreed to move our house as far forward as possible and to also level the backyard. That means the boys will have more room to run around and play in the back.

There are the "Bob the Builder"s making sure the basement is deep enough.
Can't wait to see the progress! We drive by the lot every morning to see what work has been the time they are finished I should have a nice little photo journal of the whole process.